Handwriting and letter formation is an important part of a synthetic phonicsprogram. Students learning to read and write are taught to recognise letters,the sounds they represent and how they are correctly formed.
Pages include guidance for starting points, letter direction, size, and shape foreach letter of the alphabet. The letter can be practised in the context of a wordat the bottom of each page.
Revision and remediation
A common method of revising or remediating letter formation is to group lettersthat have a similar direction when writing. Follow the letter direction guides oneach page. Support students in letter direction by having them practice usingmulti-sensory techniques, for example, upper-body arm movements, air-writing,and sand-writing.
Using these handwriting sheets
Sant the ant gestures to the starting point of each letter.
The large example is handy for students to trace withtheir finger.
Arrows provide directional support.
When used in colour, the handwriting pages adopt skyand grass colourings for the dotted thirds. This maybe helpful if students are familiar with the sky/grass/ground strategy.
A bold base line is provided, and support is graduallyreleased to encourage student independence.
Words containing the target letter are included, with space for students to writethe word on their own. Adult support may be required for students to read theword if they are unfamiliar with the letter-sound correspondences.
Use the blank handwriting page for additional practice, consolidation or forwriting sentences.