Publication Year: 2019
Age Range: 3yrs. 6mths-8yrs.5mths
Administration: Individual
All three sets in the Renfrew Language Scales series, Action Picture Test, Bus Story Test and Word Finding Vocabulary Test, are offered at a saving!
The Action Picture Test is a standardised test that requires children to give samples of spoken language for evaluation. The test considers grammatical structures used, words used to convey information and the grammatical structures used such as nouns, verbs, prepositions, tenses, irregular forms of plural and past tenses, simple and complex sentences construction etc. For use with 3 to 8 year olds. Norm referred at six-monthly intervals to enable production of comparative results.
The Word Finding Vocabulary Test is an assessment to ascertain the extent to which pictures of objects, arranged in order of difficulty, can be named correctly. Most objects included have no alternative name, so the responses of children with difficulties can be quickly measured. 50 line-drawn pictures, manual and photocopiable scoring form. Norm referred at six monthly intervals to enable production of comparative results. For use with 3-8 year olds.
Bus Story Test Revised Test. The age level of consecutive speech used in retelling a story can be assessed from the information content, sentence length and grammatical usage. Includes a coloured picture story book, photocopiable scoring forms and manual, but requires use of audio recording equipment. Suitable for 3-8 year olds. Norm referred at monthly intervals to enable therapists to produce comparative results.