Teaching and Learning Effective Study Skills is designed to promote the development of study skills for students in Key Stage 3 (age 11-14) and Key Stage 4 (age 14-16), regardless of levels of ability or achievement.
It provides an eight-session programme for young people, which aims to introduce and teach the key study skills essential for effective academic performance and achievement. All students can benefit from these specific strategies for organising, remembering, prioritising and undertaking assessments. These processes are the underpinnings of strategic learning and are essential for accurate and efficient study.
This programme is intended as a fun and stimulating means of developing the kinds of study skills necessary to achieve success in today’s ever stressful and ‘test bound’ curriculum.
The programme also provides an introductory PowerPoint presentation for teachers, alongside a training session which introduces the the programme and the approaches adopted to support students. There are also introductory training sessions for students and their parents, and useful handouts and supporting materials.
[Code: SM-7243, 210 Pages; Ring-Bound]
[Authors: Tina Rae & Lorna Nelson; Age Suitability 11 – 16+]