Primary Health and Values
Introduces and develops the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to
help pupils lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
* exciting seven-book photocopiable series to develop awareness of physical,
social, mental, emotional and sexual health
* first section of each book is on healthy lifestyles
activities onhealthy eating
hygiene, medicines, smoking, alcohol, drugs, safety, emergencies, sex education
and much more
* second section of each book focuses on values
development and relationships and includes activities on rules, individuality,
friendships, families, bullying, peer pressure,conflict resolution
feelings, making decisions, worries and many more
* wide variety of copymaster activities contain role-plays to perform,
scenarios to consider, information to discuss, questions to answer or values to
* each copymaster is accompanied by a page of teachers notes, providing:
* activity objective
* background information
* lesson tips (discussion and what to do)
* answers
* additional activities
* guided classroom activities and discussion encourages pupils to think
critically about health and values issues and the challenges they face as they
grow and develop.