“I Hear with my Little Ear 2” is a collection of 102 language games designed to help with aspects of language acquisition and use. The book is divided into four sections focusing on listening skills, language structures, vocabulary development and use of language. Each section provides games addressing different aspects of the communication process. The games are designed to be played in groups. Most are written for use as a whole class, but all are equally applicable to small groups.
The games are intended for use by anyone with an interest in extending children’s language development. They are suitable for children from the age of 3 to 11. Most of the games need very few resources and no preparation. Every game has ideas to make the activity easier for those children who are at the start of being able to understand and use the language target. Similarly, there are suggestions for making every game harder for those children who need to have their language skills stretched.
This title contains 128 pages (246 x 168mm) and includes photocopiable materials.