Follow Me – Loop Card Games – Maths is a series of three books designed to reinforce basic mathematical skills using auditory discrimination as the major focus. Using interactive game cards, pupils work in small groups or as a whole class to complete a chain of questions and answers. Each pupil maintains involvement in the game by using the supporting active listening enrichment copymaster, designed to track the progress of the game.
Skills addressed by the skills in these books include:
Lower – more/less, doubles, place value, money, addition, subtraction, multiplication, word problems, algebra, patterns, time, measurement and data
Middle – place value, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, doubles, money, algebra, patterns, equations, time, measurement, shape, space, probability and data
Upper – terminology, multiples, rounding, factors, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, integers, multiplication, division, roots, algebra, patterns, measurement, circles, shape, space, coordinates, probability and data
Each book contains simple-to-prepare activities, blank pro-formas (to produce your own games) and clear and concise answer pages.
In This Series:
Follow Me! Loop Card Games Maths – Lower – Code: 6073 ISBN- 9781846542268
Follow Me! Loop Card Games Maths – Middle – Code: 6074 ISBN- 9781846542275
Follow Me! Loop Card Games Maths – Upper – Code: 6075 ISBN- 9781846542282