The Easy English Series consists of eight books, all of which have been carefully constructed to increase the proficiency of ESL (English as a Second Language) and ESD (English as a Second Dialect) students’ use of standard English. The series immerses students in a language programme which is accessible and relevant to the lives and experiences of young people, regardless of their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
The series is very well laid out with an appealing font, graphics that will appeal to all ages and text is well spaced and uncluttered. The activities in each book are suitable for ESL/ESD students or any student who is struggling with the English language.
Book 1 – Easy Words: is the first book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It introduces students to basic vocabulary needed to communicate and function in Australian life. It introduces this vocabulary through clear and precise illustrations and prompts the students to use and remember the vocabulary through carefully designed student activities which are outcome linked. The solutions for these activities are provided at the back of the book.
Book 2 – Easy Read & Write: is the second book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It introduces students to six entertaining and engaging short stories which are delightfully and meaningfully illustrated. The stories are clearly and simply written, to help students develop some basic comprehension skills. They deal with characters spending time with their family and friends, not feeling well and interacting with Australian wildlife; situations in which the students are likely to find themselves. Carefully designed student activities, which are outcome linked, are connected to each story and encourage careful reading and understanding of the texts. The solutions for these activities are provided at the back of the book.
Book 3 – More Easy Read & Write: is the third book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It introduces students to five entertaining and
engaging short stories which are delightfully and meaningfully illustrated. The stories are clearly and simply written, to help students develop basic comprehension skills. They deal with characters participating in school events, visiting family, making new friends and going on a school excursion in an Australian setting. They are all based on situations in which the students are likely to find
themselves. Carefully constructed student activities, which are outcome linked, are connected to each story and encourage careful reading and understanding of the texts. The solutions for these
activities are provided at the back of the book.
Book 4 – Easy Punctuation: is the fourth book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It encourages students to become familiar with the alphabet and helps them to understand how words are formed from vowels and consonants. It also introduces students to basic but important punctuation, such as: capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, speech marks and apostrophes.
Book 5 – Easy Grammar: is the fifth book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It encourages students to become familiar with everyday grammar, such as articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, determiners and connectors. The book provides students with clear and uncomplicated definitions of each grammatical term and models how each one is used in basic written texts
Book 6 – Easy Text Types: is the sixth book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It introduces the idea that not all texts are the same. The students are encouraged to read and become familiar with the features of narratives, recounts, procedures and information reports. All of the sample text types in this book are brilliantly
illustrated and simply presented to motivate students to begin to plan, write and edit their own text types with enthusiasm and confidence.
Book 7 – More Easy Text Types: is the seventh book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It continues to develop the idea, initially introduced in Easy Text Types, that there are different types of texts. The students are encouraged to read and become familiar with the features of explanations, descriptions, expositions, discussions and poems. All of the sample text types in this book are beautifully illustrated and simply presented to inspire students to begin to plan, write and edit their own text types with enthusiasm and confidence.
Book 8 – Easy Editing and Proofreading: is the final book in the series and aims to improve educational outcomes for indigenous and ESL students. It inspires students to practise careful reading and writing by highlighting the importance of drafting, editing and proofreading written work. The students are asked to identify a number of errors in short sentences and in longer texts and are encouraged to rewrite the texts correctly.