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Our system makes maths easier for all users, by producing a highly structured system of practice that uses the ‘over learning principle’, that’s been shown to help users progress and to monitor that progress as their maths skills improve.

More than 400 schools & 4000 pupils answer over 100,000 questions each week in the UK and now we’re delighted that it’s been tried & tested in Ireland.

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When a child hits a stumbling block in maths, quite often the focus will be on the current topic and their lack of understanding. This may be the case but the issue may lie further back in the child’s education.

123maths.ie works in the same way as our books (The Power of 2, Plus 1, Perform with Time & Perform with Times Tables). Well, not exactly the same way of course, but it uses the same principle, that some people benefit from more practice than others.   It gives access to each of our ‘books’ and it teaches all the building blocks of number.

123maths.ie takes a step by step approach, filling the gaps in a child’s knowledge. During this process they gain confidence and knowledge, allowing them to access the topic that they had problems with.

123maths.ie works because you need to get a question right 3 consecutive times. Each day you visit the site you can only answer each question once. When you get the question right on three consecutive visits you don’t need to do that question again.