
Move Write Handwriting Pupil Books: A Developmentally Tailored Approach to Handwriting






In the dynamic landscape of education, finding effective resources that cater to diverse learning needs can be akin to discovering a hidden gem. Enter Move Write Handwriting Pupil Books, an innovative solution meticulously crafted to nurture the development of handwriting skills with a child-centric focus.

Move Write Book A (Cursive) represents a paradigm shift in handwriting education—one that celebrates diversity, fosters engagement, and empowers learners to reach their full potential. With its innovative approach, research-backed methodology, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Move Write sets a new standard for handwriting instruction, igniting a passion for learning that transcends the classroom and lasts a lifetime.

Understanding the Foundation:

At the heart of the Move Write series lies a deep understanding of developmental milestones and the intricate journey of a child’s cognitive and motor skill development. Recognizing that no two learners are alike, the books offer flexibility, accommodating both print and cursive handwriting styles based on individual developmental needs.

A Multifaceted Approach:

What sets Move Write apart is its holistic approach to handwriting, intertwining sensory-rich experiences with child-led activities. From whole-body engagement to interactive exercises, the programme transcends traditional methods, fostering an immersive learning environment conducive to skill acquisition.

Guiding the Journey:

Accompanying each book is the invaluable Prepare to Write pupil book, a treasure trove of 20 meticulously curated step-by-step drawings. These drawings, rooted in the foundational principles of Beery’s Test of Visual Integration, serve as a compass, guiding learners through the intricate process of mastering basic geometric shapes—a crucial precursor to formal handwriting instruction.

Empowering Competence:

Through a series of structured activities and practice exercises, learners are encouraged to develop competence and confidence in their handwriting abilities. Whether in a whole-class setting or one-to-one interaction, the programme adapts seamlessly to cater to the unique needs of each learner.

Research-Backed Foundations:

Central to the efficacy of Move Write is its research-backed approach. Drawing from Beery’s Developmental Test of Visual Integration and Motor Integration (1989), the programme aligns with empirical evidence suggesting that formal handwriting training should commence post-mastery of basic geometric shapes. By integrating suggested letter groupings and a pre-writing checklist based on research findings, Move Write ensures a solid foundation for future handwriting endeavors.

Embracing Progress:

The journey of handwriting acquisition is not just about the destination but the milestones achieved along the way. Move Write celebrates progress, fostering a culture where every achievement, no matter how small, is recognized and celebrated.


Move Write sets a new standard in handwriting education—one that celebrates diversity, embraces progress, and empowers learners to script their own success stories, one stroke at a time.